Worried about patient sliding during surgery in Trendelenburg?
As patient advocates, we understand your concerns about sliding and hypothermia during surgery.
Sliding risks are shared by nurses, hospitals, surgeons, and anesthesiologists.
Hypothermia markedly elevates the risk of infection, intraoperative bleeding, and prolongs the post-anesthesia wake-up time for patients.
OPT-SHIELD Positioning and Warming,
Standardization ... Optimization
Our dedicated team blends science, technology, and surgical expertise to develop clinically proven solutions, prioritizing patient safety and predictable outcomes.

Why compromise?
Opt-Shield's standardization delivers:
Testimony from Doctors and Nurses
Interview With Dr. Afshin Bahador, Gynecologic Oncology Surgeon
Opt-Shield™ Trendelenburg For Robotic-Assisted Surgery
Interview With Dr.Pamela Lee, Colorectal Surgeon
Opt-Shield™ Supine For Cardiac Surgery
We currently offer two Opt-Shield drape models
Opt-Shield™ Air Trendelenburg for Robotic-Assisted Surgery
The Opt-Shield provides standardization for my patient in Trendelenburg position. It covers and warms more than 50% in the body surface area to keep the patient normo-thermic. The Opt Shield has helped improve safety and outcomes for my complex surgical oncologic patients. …It's an integral part of my practice.
Afshin Bahador, MD Gyne-Oncology Surgeon
The Opt-Shield has simplified and standardized the Trendelenburg positioning. It warms most part of the patient except for the surgical area to keep the patient effectively warm.…a tremendous value in patient care.
Linda Brom RN
In complex, Colorectal Surgery, my patient is so well positioned that I don’t have to worry about patients sliding in steep head down or side to side positions. The Opt-Shield warms patient from both below and above effectively. Normo-thermia is critical to reduce infection and complication peri-operatively for my patients.
…I use it in all my colo-rectal cases for better outcomes
Pamela Lee MD Colo-Rectal Surgeon
… protects and secures the patient… and keeps the patient warm at the same time. The brachial plexuses are maintained in a neutral and un-stretched position minimizing brachial plexus injury.…my patients wake up quicker after surgery.
Paul Corey MD Cardiac Anesthesiologist
Opt-Shield™ Air Trendelenburg
Positioning and Warming
in One...
- Exceptional Patient Stability with Upper Torso Support System: The patented Opt-Shield Air Trendelenburg features an engineered upper torso padding system, offering a custom fit for even weight distribution accommodating patients up to 400 pounds.
- Unrivaled Patient Warming in Trendelenburg: Opt-Shield Air Trendelenburg provides extensive warming, covering over 50% of the patient's body surface area from both above and below. This comprehensive coverage maintains patient normothermia during surgery, reducing infection risk, minimizing bleeding, and promoting quicker wake-up times, supported by evidence in the AORN Journal....
- Custom Fit Upper Torso Padding: Our double-layer upper torso padding system ensures even weight distribution, reducing pressure points, neutralizing brachial plexuses, and providing crucial support and skin protection, preventing skin shearing.
- Operating Room Table Protection: The Opt-Shield drape safeguards the operating room table, protecting its surface from potential damage or contamination during surgical procedures.
Opt-Shield™ Air Supine
Positioning, Warming and Lateral Patient Transfer
in One...
Opt-Shield Air Supine for Cardiac Surgery
…an effective system to keep the patient safe and warm. It is also very simple to transfer the patient to SICU because of all the lines are secure and organized. The warming system is my favorite because it keeps our patients so warm after coming-off bypass. …We use the Opt Shield in all our cardiac patients.
-Walter Dembitsky MD cardio-thoracic surgeon
The Underbody warming system is so much more effective. It creates a cushion of warm air surrounding the patient throughout surgery, especially after coming off bypass.…A huge leap forward in Patient Warming, especially in Cardiac Surgery.
-Jonathan Gray MD cardiac anesthesiologist
The positioning and warming are built-in to one. The warming aspect is fantastic. We can warm the bed before the patient coming in the room. The patient maintains normothermic after coming off the bypass which drastically reduce blood loss and help finish the case quicker.…All the nurses are super happy because of its ease of use..
-Kristen Coleman RN cardiac nurse
…Managing your IV access including the Swan-Ganz catheter and arterial line. The patient’s arms are well padded and more securely positioned. The built-in warming is incredible. The heating element really maintains normo-thermia throughout surgery. … comfort and safety for the patient, ease of use for all providers... A very well-thought-out product…
David Hanson RN cardiac nurse
Experience the Future of Surgical Positioning